
Obchodné meno: Maroš SK s.r.o.
Adresa:Kopčianská 10
PSČ:851 01
IČO: 53011929
Zastúpený: Radek Slatinský, kontakt: mobil: +420 777 943 669, e-mail:

Vila Maroš, Demänovská dolina Pavčiná Lehota 169, 031 01 (ďalej len ubytovacie zariadenie) Typ prevádzky: Podľa vyhlášky Ministerstva hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky č. 277 26.júna 2008 Z.z., ktorou sa uVila Maroš, Demänovská dolina Pavčiná Lehota 169, 031 01 (hereinafter referred to as accommodation facilities) Type of operation: According to the decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic No. 277 of 26 June, 2008, Coll., which establishes the classification characteristics for accommodation facilities when classifying them into categories and classes, the accommodation facility Vila Maroš is classified in the category Private Accommodation, building in class ***.

Natural persons, legal entities (hereinafter referred to as “Guest”)

By making a binding stay reservation, the Guest accepts the General Terms and Conditions, the Accommodation Rules as a contractual condition of accommodation, and is also obliged to comply with these provisions. The accommodation contract is created by the lessor’s binding confirmation of the Guest’s order.


The price for accommodation in the apartment house Vila Maroš is flexible and depends on the date of your stay (season) and the number of people.

The online booking system calculates the price of the stay depending on the number of people, the number of days and the type of apartment booked. Reservations are accepted by the online booking system, which is part of the Vila Maroš website..

We usually require payment of 50% of the total price of the ordered services as a booking deposit for a binding reservation. Payment instructions are sent to the specified e-mail address immediately after submitting the reservation. Payment by bank transfer is due within 3 days of making the preliminary reservation. If the payment of the reservation deposit is not credited to our account by this time, the preliminary reservation will be cancelled.
After receiving the reservation deposit to our account, we will immediately send a confirmation of the reservation to your e-mail address indicated in the order.
The rest of the price of the stay is paid by bank transfer 30 days before the start of the stay.

  • Zmluva o ubytovaní vzniká záväzným potvrdením objednávky služieb
  • The accommodation contract is created by the lessor’s binding confirmation of the Guest’s order.
  • Acceptance or crediting of the deposit in the amount of approximately 50% of the total price of the stay to the account of the accommodation facility is considered a binding confirmation.
  • Crediting of the deposit to the account of the accommodation facility will be immediately confirmed to the Guest together with the binding reservation of the stay.
  • If the deposit specified in the reservation confirmation is not paid by the Guest within 3 working days, this stay reservation is invalid.


  • Vila Maroš* (accommodation facility) can accommodate a Guest who is properly registered for the accommodation. Upon arrival at the accommodation facility for the purpose of accommodation, the Guest is obliged to present to the operator of the facility a valid identity document (passport, identity card) in accordance with Act No. 253/1998, Coll. on reporting the residence of SR citizens in the register of SR residents, as amended, and in accordance with Act No. 363/2005 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended. Every Guest who is not a citizen of the Slovak Republic (foreigner) is obliged, pursuant to Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on the stay of foreigners, as amended by later legislation, to fill out and hand over to the staff of the accommodation facility the submitted official form on reporting the stay, and the Guest is obliged to state all the required data truthfully and completely. Upon arrival, the Guest pays a refundable deposit in the amount of at least 50,-€. The deposit serves to cover the Guest’s consumption, or possible damage caused by the Guest to the equipment of the room or apartment. The Guest pays the deposit in cash. The Guest is obliged to check the completeness and condition of the inventory upon arrival in the room or apartment. Any deficiencies must be reported to the staff of the accommodation facility. If the Guest fails to do so, the accommodation facility has the right to charge the Guest for the damage or missing inventory as if the Guest had caused it. Arrival of Guests on the day of arrival is possible from 3:00 p.m. The accommodation facility reserves the room or apartment for the Guest on the day of arrival for the stay until 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise agreed in the accommodation order. Upon arrival, we recommend that the Guest, who has reserved accommodation, informs the staff of the accommodation facility at least 1 hour before the planned arrival. On the day of departure, the Guest is obliged to vacate the room or apartment no later than at 9:30 a.m., unless otherwise agreed in the accommodation order. In case of late departure of the Guest, the accommodation facility has the right to charge the Guest a fee in the amount of: 50% of the price of the room or apartment for the next night when the room or apartment is vacated by 11:00 a.m. 100% of the price of the room or apartment for the next night when the room or apartment is vacated by 1:00 p.m. The room or apartment is considered vacated after the Guest has taken out all their personal belongings and handed over the keys to the staff of the accommodation facility. The accommodation facility reserves the right to check the inventory and condition of the room/apartment, payment and consumption of the Guest at any time during the Guest’s stay, no later than on the day the room is vacated by the Guest. On the day of departure, the accommodation facility requires the Guest to hand over the room or apartment in the condition in which the Guest received the room or apartment on the day of arrival. In the case of a damage-free stay in the accommodation facility, the €50 deposit will be returned to the Guest in full. From 10.00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. the Guest is obliged to observe quiet hours. The accommodation facility requires the Guest to lock the accommodation facility. The operator is not responsible for any possible loss of valuables of the Guest in Vila Maroš*.
  • The rent or use of any equipment and Villa Maroš* is the sole responsibility of the Guest. The operator is not responsible for any injuries. The Guest is responsible for losses, damages and destruction of the property of Vila Maroš* caused by the Guest, and the operator has the right to charge the Guest for damages.
  • From a safety point of view, smoking is strictly prohibited in all interior spaces of the Vila Maroš* building!!! The operator reserves the right to adjust the operating time of all additional services and facilities due to their functional and technical capability (bicycles, outdoor children’s playground, trampoline, swimming pool, relaxation pool, sauna…). In Vila Maroš* facilities, Guests are not allowed to use their own electrical appliances, except for electrical appliances used for personal hygiene (shavers and massagers, hair dryers, etc.)
  • In the apartments, rooms and shared areas, the Guest is not allowed to make any changes, adjustments and repairs to the equipment, interventions in the electrical or other installation without the knowledge and consent of the operator.
  • The operator requires the Guest to comply with the accommodation rules.
  • In the event that the Guest violates or does not accept the instructions given in the accommodation rules, the operator has the right to cancel the Guest’s stay at any time without the right to refund the price for the stay paid by the Guest.
  • The Guest staying at Vila Maroš*** is obliged to comply with the provisions of the accommodation rules. In the event that the Guest violates or does not accept the instructions, the operator has the right to cancel the Guest’s stay at any time without the right to refund the price for the stay paid by the Guest.


  • Prenajímateľ je oprávnený účtovať kompenzáciu vzniknutej straty z neuskutočneného pobytu – storno poplatok zo zaplatenej zálohovej platby v prípade, že zrušíte svoju rezerváciu pobytu písomne, elektronicky alebo telefonicky v nasledovných lehotách:
  • The lessor is entitled to charge compensation for the loss arising from a missed stay – a cancellation fee from the paid deposit in the event that you cancel your stay reservation in writing, electronically or by phone within the following periods:
  • 100% of the price of the ordered services if the stay is cancelled less than 7 days before the planned arrival
  • 50% of the price of the ordered services if the stay is cancelled less than 14 days before the planned arrival
  • 0% of the price of the ordered services if the stay is cancelled less than 21 days before the planned arrival

If you leave earlier than planned, the payment for the stay will not be refunded

booking hodnoceni